Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Nakkula and Toshalis Chapter 2

Context mapping would be defined as having a different identity in a different context. This is best described as behaving differently in separate environments. A prime example of this is myself as a student versus myself as an employee in a work setting. In school, I am simply a college student attending class and interacting with my peers. As an assistant preschool teacher in my work setting I am much more professional around my employers and parents. 

After Julian's bathroom graffiti incident, Mitch asked him to name the different spaces and relationships he is confronted with on a daily basis. He began to list people and places beginning with his family ending with this teachers and classes at school. He was then given another task to write this list down and explain what he believed each individual and context expected of him as a person. This process is best described as context mapping. Mitch uses this tool to further look into Julian's relationship with the different individuals and environments in his life and how these solely affect his identity and who he is.

Here is my own context map:

James Marcia developed is own identity theory called the "the identity status theory."In this theory, James Marcia identifies 4 different statuses:

1. Foreclosed identity: this is best described as when a person chooses an identity without much thought. They behave in this identity without any other life experiences. 

2. Diffuse identity: individuals with this identity are easily defined as continuously changing their identity depending on the context. These types of individuals tend to be easily influenced by other people and constantly feel the need and desire to fit in with others.

3. Moratorium identity: this is defined as the trial and error period. Individuals in this stage are in a constant stage of experimentation. They are vigorously changing beliefs, relationships, behaviors, roles, and directions.

4. Achieved identity: this is the final identity described by Marcia and is best described as the individual being able to collaborate themselves from their past experiences. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Ideology Horoscope

According to the Youth Development Ideology Horoscope article titled, "What your sign?",, there are three main concepts of how youth workers associate with youth. These three notions include:
1. Risk, Resiliency and Prevention
2. Positive Youth Development
3. Critical Youth Development

After completing my own Ideology Inventory quiz, I was able to classify myself as a critical youth worker.

Critical youth workers believe teens are legitimate actors and collaborators who have important ideas and ways of contributing to the world. They tend focus on how youth engage with and impact their communities and cultures. I can definitely agree with the results of this quiz as I often find myself thinking how adults and youth can work together to better our everyday lives and communities. A perfect example of this is the organization Youth In Action, which allows youth to contribute their ideas to the community they live in. As a youth worker, I will continue to urge today's youth to use their voice and spread their ideas. Youth and adults working together have the power to change the world.